Friday, July 2nd at 6:00pm - Wii Resort Games and DDR Contest
- Wii Resort games
- Dance Dance Revolution Contest
- Rock Band 2
- Snacks and Sodas provided
Saturday, June 26th at 11:00am - Percy Jackson Tween Event
Did you like the Lightning Thief? We will be holding a Percy Jackson event on Saturday, June 26th from 11am to 1:00pm. We will have lots of activities - from trivia to water games.
Thursday, June 24th at 6:00pm - Iron Chef of the Sea - Teen Summer Reading Program
What could be more fun than creating your own main dish, dessert, and fruit drink? Well, eating it of course! Come share your culinary talents at our sea themed Iron Chef competition. After our judges pick the winning dishes, everyone gets to eat their creation! Here are some pictures from our last Iron Chef competition:
Thursday, June 17th at 6:00pm - Swashbuckling Pirate Combat - Teen Summer Reading Program
Want to learn about what it was like to be a pirate? Come join us for a swashbuckling good time, as Paul Stonebridge and Jody Carroll of Four Horseman Fantasy Combat demonstrate pirate combat and introduce you to pirate lore! This program is part of the "Make Waves Summer Reading Program" for Teens.
Adult Summer Reading Club
"Water Your Mind: Read" is the theme of this year's Adult Summer Reading Club.
Registration for the Summer Reading Program has begun and you can report your books on June 12th. To register, sign up at the Reference Desk. You only need to read 6 books by July 31.
All who read and report on 6 books will be invited to a final party with rewards for all!
We’ll be offering a variety of programs and giveaways all summer, so pick up a list of events and drop in as often as possible.
June Events:
- June 5th - call for time - First Saturday Book Club - "The Poisonwood Bible" by Barbara Kingsolver
- June 5th - 11:00am - Knitwits Knitting Club
- June 18th - 2:00pm - Surfing the Net: Introduction to Facebook
- June 19th - 10:00am - Beginning Spanish
- June 19th - 11:00am - Knitwits Knitting Club
Friday, June 11th at 8:30am - Business Networking Breakfast
This summer, Pasco County Library System will be hosting a series of networking breakfasts for the business community. If you own a business and are interested in making new contacts and learning more about the resources available to you as a business owner in Pasco County, please join us for the business networking breakfast at New River Library on Friday, June 11th at 8:30am. Agencies represented at the breakfasts include the Small Business Development Center, the Pasco County Economic Development Council, and local Chambers of Commerce, among others.
Attendees are invited to enjoy a light breakfast of bagels, donuts, fruit, juice and coffee provided by the Friends of the Library.