Saturday, January 9th, at 2:00pm - Winter Craft Corner for Kids
Wednesday, Dec. 30th, at 2:00pm - Tween Popcorn and a Movie
Teen Gingerbread Program Pictures
Everyone had a great time decorating and eating the gingerbread houses at the Teen Gingerbread House Program last week. The gingerbread houses looked great! Here are some pictures from this program:
Thursday, Dec. 17th at 6:45pm - Kids Historical Book Club
Want to learn about what it was like to be a pioneer and grow up on the Wisconsin frontier? Come join us on Thursday, December 17th, at 6:45pm. We will be discussing "Little House in the Big Woods" by Laura Ingalls Wilder and doing a craft project that relates to the book.
Here is a picture from last month's historical fiction book club:
Enter Battle of the Bands XIII: Rockus Maximus Now!!
Entries are now being accepted at any Pasco Library or by e-mail to Bands ages 13-20 from any Florida county are eligible to enter! CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE ENTRY FORM AND COMPETITION INFORMATION. (pdf file)
Saturday, Dec 12th at 2pm - Teen Wii Sword Fighting
We have just bought the new Wii Sports Resort game for our Wii system. Come join us for an afternoon of Wii Sword Fighting for teens! Snacks and sodas will be provided.
Saturday, Dec. 12th at 2:00pm - Kid's Craft Corner
This month we will be having a holiday themed kid's craft corner. One of the crafts will be decorating cookies. After decorating the cookies, we will have fun eating them!
Friday, Dec. 11th, at 2:00pm - Downloading Digital Media to your Computer
Thursday, Dec. 10th at 7:00pm - Teen Gingerbread House extravaganza!
What could be better than creating an edible work of art? Join us as we decorate (and then eat) gingerbread houses.
Wednesday, December 2nd, at 10:15am and 11:00am - Storytimes
Join us for stories, songs, and awesome activities at our Storytimes. December Storytimes will be held on this date:
* Toddler Storytime Wed. Dec 2nd at 10:15am
* Preschool Storytime Wed. Dec 2nd at 11:00am
Wednesday, Dec. 9, at 10:30am - Storytime with Santa
Come join us as Santa reads stories to the children on Wednesday, December 9th, at 10:30am. Kids can talk to Santa and get their picture taken with him.
Dec. 1st through Dec. 5th - Scholastic Book Fair
We have lots of great books for children, tweens, and teens at our annual Scholastic Book Sale. Come get an early start on holiday shopping at this book sale! The book sale runs all day from Nov. 28th through Dec. 5th.
December - Adult Knitting Club
The KnitWits knitting club meets twice a month at 10:30 am. Beginners are welcome. Please bring a set of medium knitting needles (size 8) and a skein of yarn. Registration is not required.
Upcoming meetings:
* Saturday, December 5th, at 10:30 am
* Saturday, December 19th, at 10:30 am
Saturday, Dec 5th - First Saturday Adult Book Club
We will be discussing "The Christmas Train" by David Baldacci at the First Saturday Book Club meeting on December 5th. Please call New River Library at (813)788-6375 to get the time for the meeting.
Dec. - Teen Advisory Board Meetings
The Teen Advisory Board (TAB) helps the library determine all the great programs it should put on for the 11-18 crowd. TAB members earn community service hours just by attending meetings and offering their thoughts and opinions. Plus, members get to be the first to know about all the other volunteer opportunities available in the library. Free snacks and drinks are always served at meetings, so come hungry and be ready to have your voice heard! We usually have fun activities following the meetings (like art contests, gingerbread house decorating, talent shows, etc.).
Upcoming TAB meetings @ New River Library:
December 10th at 6:30pm - Gingerbread House Decorating after the meeting!
December 17th at 6:00pm - Movie Night after the meeting
Saturday, Dec 5th, at 2pm - Teen Gaming Club
We have some new games for the Teen Gaming Club - "Say Anything", "Wits and Wagers", "Monopoly Deal", "Scrabble Slam", and "Pictureka". We also have our standbys - "Settlers of Catan", "Apples to Apples", card games, video games, and role playing games. You can even bring your own game, if we don't have it!
Snacks and sodas will be provided.
Thursday, Dec 3rd at 6:30pm - Anime and Manga Club
Saturday, Nov. 21st, 2:00pm - Basic Cooking for Kids 101
Do you know the difference between a tsp and a tbs? Learn this and more at our Basic Cooking Class for kids on November 21st at 2:00pm.
Thursday, Nov. 20th, at 6:45pm - Historical Fiction Book Club for Kids
Would you like to learn about George Washington and his fight for American Independence? Come join us on Thursday, November 20th, at 6:45pm for our Historical Book Club for Kids. We will be discussing "Revolutionary War on Wednesday" by Mary Pope Osborne and doing a craft project that relates to the book.
Rockus Maximus: Battle of the Bands XIII Launching Now!
Pasco County Library System's original Battle of the Bands ain't dead yet! That's right, Rockus Maximus is coming back for another year with another round of live concerts and hilarious online competitions.
We need 8 bands once again to take the Rockus Maximus challenge. Beginning December 11th and until December 29th, bands can register at any Pasco County Library location or online. Entry forms and all the other Battle of the Bands information are available now. Bands must have a minimum of 3 members with the majority of members under 21, must play their own instruments, must have at least 2 original songs on CD, DVD, or online, and must have an online presence such as MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, etc.
A free kickoff concert will be held on December 11, 2009 at Land O Lakes Branch Library (2818 Collier Parkway, Land O Lakes, FL 34639) from 6:00-10:30pm, featuring 4 local acts including past Battle winner Variance and Shallow Waters. Entry forms will be accepted from bands at this event.
This year's competition will involve 6 weeks of online videos in February and March of 2010, with viewers voting for their favorite band each week via our MySpace page, following by a live band battle at Crews Lake Park (16739 Crews Lake Dr, Shady Hills, FL 34610) on March 26th, 2010. Two different prize categories will be available this year. The top two bands of the online voting will receive $500 and $250 music store gift cards to buy instruments, repairs, etc. The winners of the live battle will get a recording package worth $3500 for first, $1750 for second, and $1000 for third at a local recording studio.
CLICK HERE to view past videos from previous Rockus Maximus events.
CLICK HERE to visit the Pasco County Library System MySpace page.
For more information, contact Paul Stonebridge, Teen Services Manager, at 813-929-1214 or 727-861-3040 or e-mail
"New Moon" Movie Release Events
Borders Books is going to be hosting a live webcast streaming from a Los Angeles store Sunday evening, 11/15, at 5:00pm (Florida Time). You can watch for free online and post comments and questions on the official Twilight Facebook Fan Page and have them answered live on the webcast. For more info on the event, go to or
For something a bit closer to home, the Hudson Library will be hosting a Twilight in Transylvania event on Friday, 11/20, in celebration of the release of New Moon. You can see digital presentation on Transylvania, Dracula, and real vampires, taste some Romanian food, and win tickets to see New Moon at a local theater. The event is free and runs from 3:00-5:00pm.
Saturday, Nov.14th, at 2:30pm - National Gaming @ Your Library Day
Have fun and game on!
Thursday, Nov. 12 at 6:30pm - Teen Art Competition
Nov. 14th, 11:00am - Teen Field Day
Florida Library Information Network (FLIN) is now available
Have you looked for a book in our catalog but can't find it? Never fear, FLIN is here!
FLIN is our new statewide borrowing network that replaces Alleycat. And yes, this includes items in Hillsborough County! AND, you can order items through FLIN right from the comfort of your own home. (Please note: only books, magazines and sheet music can be borrowed from FLIN, no audio or video.)
Just go to our website at, toggle your mouse over "Catalog/Research" and click on "FLIN." You can now begin searching and requesting any items not found in the Pasco County Library System database. Just follow the steps to get the item you need.
It's even BETTER than on-line shopping, because it's free!
Thursday, Nov. 5, at 6:30pm - Teen Anime and Manga Club
Konnichiwa (Greetings!)
Crazy about manga and anime? Can't get enough? Join us on Thursday, November 5th, at 6:30pm to discuss manga, anime, and cosplay. Plus, learn about Japanese culture and watch the latest in anime technology.
We will be holding officer elections and discussing ideas for a New River manga - which will be written and drawn by our members! Snacks and beverages provided.
Nov. 7th - Adult Book Club
We will be discussing "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd at the First Saturday Book Club meeting on November 7th. Please call New River Library at (813)788-6375 to get the time for the meeting.
Wednesdays at 1:30pm - Antique Rug Hooking Club
Have you ever wanted to learn how to hook rugs? Antique rug hooking is a craft that is centuries old. You can learn by coming to our weekly Hook Rug Club. Beginners are welcome. This club meets every Wednesday from 2:00pm- 5:00pm. Also, there is now a colorful display of hooked rugs in the New River Library display case.
Wednesday, November 4th, from 9:30am - 3:00pm Career Central visits New River Library
Career Central's One Stop will be parked at New River Library on the first Wednesday of the month. The next visit will be this Wednesday, November 4th, from 9:30am - 3:00pm. Career Central is provided by a nonprofit organization that administers local workforce development in Pasco County.
Services provided by the Mobile One Stop include:
* Resumé Help
* Job Search Tips and Advice
* Career Planning
* Unemployment Information
* Training
* Financial Aid Information
Nov. - Laptop Computer Classes for Adults
Are you new to computers? Have you just bought a laptop and want to learn how to use it? New River Library will have a set of four beginner laptop computer classes each month on Tuesday mornings at 10:00am. Participants will need to register for the classes and bring their own laptop to the classes. To register, please call (813)788-6375.
Here is the schedule for classes for November:
* Hardware: Nov. 3rd
* Email: Nov. 10th
* Email Attachments: Nov. 17th
* Word Processing: Nov. 24th
Nov. - Beginner Computer Classes
Do you have a friend or family member who would like to learn how to use a computer? New River Library provides beginner classes to introduce people to using computers and the internet. This set of classes is designed to help people to get over their fear of computers and to start surfing the internet and communicating with friends and family through email. Classes are at 10:00 am on Friday mornings. Registration is required for the classes. Please call (813)788-6375 to register.
Here is the schedule for classes for November:
* Hardware: Nov. 6rd
* Mousercise: Nov. 13th
* Email/Internet: Nov. 20th
* Email Practice: Nov. 27th
Saturday, Nov. 7th, at 2:00pm - Teen Gaming Club

Games you can play include:
* board games - from "Apples to Apples" to Pictionary to "Settlers of Catan"
* role-playing games: Star Wars, World of Warcraft, etc.
* card games - Yu-Gi-Oh!, Magic the Gathering, or any game you bring
* video games: rockband 2, Wii sports resort, DDR, etc.
Learn to knit at our adult knitting club
Upcoming meetings:
* Saturday, October 17th, at 10:30 am
* Saturday, November 7th, at 11:00 am
* Saturday, November 21st, at 10:30 am
Tuesday, Oct. 27th, at 2:30pm - Senior Information Day
Florida's Long-term Care Ombudsman Program will be sponsoring a "Senior Information Day" on Tuesday, October 27th from 2:30pm - 5:30pm.
Exhibitors include:
* Area Agency on Aging
* Bay Area Legal Services
* Caregiver program
* CARES (Community Aging
and Retirement Services)
* Department of Children & Families
* Department of Health
* Senior Helpline
* Senior Legal Helpline
* Senior Medicare Patrol Program
* SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance
Needs of Elders)
* Social Security Administration
* Veteran's Services
* Victims Advocate Program
Free gift bags will be available.
Wednesday, October 7th, from 9:30am - 3:00pm - Career Central visits New River
Career Central's One Stop will be parked at New River Library on the first Wednesday of the month. The next visit will be this Wednesday, October 7th, from 9:30am - 3:00pm. Career Central is provided by a nonprofit organization that administers local workforce development in Pasco County.
Services provided by the Mobile One Stop include:
* Resumé Help
* Job Search Tips and Advice
* Career Planning
* Unemployment Information
* Training
* Financial Aid Information
Saturday, October 10th, at 2:00pm - Children's Craft Corner
Teen Gaming Club - Saturday, October 3rd, at 2pm
We love games at New River Library, so we host a Gaming Club that meets the first Saturday of each month. This week we will be having a Chess Tournament, complete with prizes for the winners.
Other games you can play include:
* board games - from "Apples to Apples" to Pictionary to "Settlers of Catan"
* role-playing games: Star Wars, World of Warcraft, etc.
* card games
* video games: rockband 2, Wii sports resort, DDR, etc.
Thursday, Oct. 22nd, at 6:45pm - Historical Fiction Book Club for Kids
Want to learn about what it was like to be a kid during the Great Depression? Come join us on Thursday, October 22nd, at 6:45pm. We will be discussing "Kit's Tree House" by Valerie Tripp and doing a craft project that relates to the book.